About the News category

Any wins for the humanity’s digital rights, especially concerning AI, decentralized tech, and ways of organizing without corporations, and top-down structures are worth spreading, and this category is asking to be spread with those

Share news that are:

  • either directly useful for the movement members to know
  • focus on news, neglected by mainstream. None of us will miss news of US elections, so spare us one extra mention of that.
  • pertaining to humanity’s digital freedoms - whether wins or losses
  • about new forms of governance and coordination being proposed, adopted, showing results, or failing


  • Taiwan digital democracy got another win?
  • Russia and China coordinated new levels of internet blockade?
  • Another corporation closed their source, despite their promises to RMS?
  • Zapatistas rolled out new guerilla mesh network coordination app?
  • IPFS browser got adopted by Estonian government to reduce FAANG’s power?
  • Chile resurrected Cybersyn? (Maan, I’d love to see how that one would turn out)